This is an optional field. Enter the note's catalog number from your favorite note catalog. Enter any comments you would like to make about this note. You can enter up to 1 characters of text. Enter the note's condition with the menu provided. The choices are: Uncircultated perfect new condition Extremely Fine extremely fine condition Very Fine very fine condition Fine fine condition Very Good very good condition Good good condition Fair badly worn condition Poor bent,corroded condition Note that judging a note's condition can be anywhere betw- een a science and a medieval art. It's your note album so use the method your best at. You are being asked to select from your collection of bank notes the condition of each note to be reported on. For example, if you want a report on all notes of Fine condition, use the cursor down key till the marker is on 'Fine' in the menu and press . A report will then be sent to the printer of all notes of the 'Fine' condition. Press to abort. Enter the note's issuing country. I recommend if you use abbreviations, use them all the time. Do not mix abbrevia- tions and regular country names. For countries that do not exist today, enter the country name as it existed then. Food for thought: Consistency is the key to simpilicity. Enter the date the note was acquired. Use the format MM/DD/YY; for example, to enter January 15, 1989, enter 1/15/89 or 01/15/89. Enter the date the stamp was added to your collection in the form MM/DD/YY; for example, say you bought a stamp on September 12,1989, this would be entered as 9/12/89. Enter any distinguishing marks or features of the note. Welcome to the World Bank Notes! This program organizes your bank notes collection in an easy to use electronic database. You may enter thousands of notes and yet locate any note's data instantly. Customized versions can be programmed for a fee. Press anywhere in the program for help. Read NOTES.DOC as it gives information on how to use the program. This program was written for the beginner to advanced note collector who yearns to better organize his/her note collection. You don't have to know any programming or be a computer whiz with a PhD. That is not who the program was written for. It is for the computer user in office or home that uses the computer as a tool. Overall, I have tried to make a very complicated program into a simple, easy to use interface. If you have any questions feel free to write to me at: Alan Weinberg 4560 S. 14th Ave Tucson, Az, 85714 USA PLEASE REGISTER AFTER TRYING THIS PRODUCT AS WE POOR SHAREWARE AUTHORS NEED TO MAKE A LIVING. EVERYONE KNOWS THAT COMPUTING IS Send $25 to get your latest copy of World Bank Notes Choose the stamp's issue month from the menu. Use the cursor keys to pick the month. If you don't know the month choose the 1st menu option ' Enter the issue value in the country's denomination. For example, enter 5 centavos, 15 Lire, 1.2 Deutchmarks. Enter the issue value in DOLLARS. This field is optional. Enter the year the note was issued. This is an optional field. Enter the note's market value. This is what the note is worth if you sold it. Information on market value can be found in note catalogs and magazines. Enter the metal that the coin is made of, for example, 95% gold 5%copper, etc.) Enter the quantity of notes that you have. Enter one of the following choices from the menu: Circulated note is in circulation Uncirculated note is out of circulation Obsolete note is outdated Use the cursor keys to select one of the above from the menu. BANK NOTE/COUNTRY LIST The note/country list is a "table" listing the note's country and other information for quick viewing. Below is a list of keys you may use: to add a note to your collection (add a record) to delete a note from your collection (delete a record) Enter to change the information for that note (edit a record) to quit and return to DOS to print all notes of one condition (eg. all Fine Notes) to print all your notes on the printer (device=LPT1) to print your notes of one country use the cursor keys to place the highlite bar on the country you want to print Note: this is available only in the registered version to enter a new password Cursor keys,PgUp,PgDn used to navigate in the list Ctrl PgUp,Ctrl PgDn go to beginning or end of list The COUNTRY LOCATOR allows you to type one or more letters of the country and the highlite bar in the note country list will position itself on the country. For example, if you wanted to go to Germany, type 'G' or "Ge",etc. You must have added the note previously to use this feature. If the country is not in the list table then the country locator will go to the closest country alphabetically. This feature is especially helpful when you have thousands of notes in your collection and saves you from using the cursor and PgDn keys. Enter an optional weight of the coin. CATALOGN COMMENTS CONDITION CONDMENUI COUNTRY DATEACQU- DATEAQUA DISTINGU FRONT p ISSUEMON ISSUEV1 ISSUEVALq ISSUEYEA MARKETVAk METALS Z QUANTITY STATUS O TABLE WEIGHT